The after-party
We needed this many shots of whisky after the musical. The show was great, but as I've mentioned... it was a loooong day! The waiter set the shots on top of all these glasses of beer. Here Taunya's trying to blow them; they just fall like dominos right into the glasses! Then you drink.... and be merry. Look at all the side dishes they serve in Korea! Kimchi is everywhere.... you can't escape it. My students eat it with EVERY meal. I often ask what they've had for breakfast, hoping they've tried pancakes, waffles, french toast, cereal, ANYTHING but kimchi and rice. But no. Kimchi is a cure-all that everyone LOVES. Somehow I ended up flipping the meat. How does the vegetarian end up cooking? I'll tell you how, you have a waitress slap a dead animal in front of me. Last week I had my 10 year old class singing a song about food. The words were something like, "I like strawberries, I like grapes, I like bananas, ....fruit" When it got to the meat part Jeff improvised with "I don't like hamburgers, don't like ham, don't like hot dogs... meat" while he pointed at me. Greer and I love when the kids change words to be funny... as long as they do it properly. Shows they've really grasped the English language.
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