Sunday, January 15, 2006

"We're unconventional, fuck off." These were the words of Jordana as she stuffed crackers in her mouth and the Walmart man reprimanded us. I was eating raisins. Even in our North American Supermarkets, we know it's kinda rude to eat the food before purchasing it. But WHY? We're gonna pay for it. I suppose some people would set the box down and be dishonest; and to keep order, one must apply the rules to EVERYONE. But it's fun getting away with things as the "naive foreigner" once in a while.
We always act like we don't know you can't have 5 people in a cab or that it's perfectly normal to ride around in the shopping cart. Jordana needed to sit down and eat something after her heavy night of drinking. As if we didn't get ENOUGH attention as pale girls with long eyelashes.

Speaking of cab rides, this is a shot just after the driver slammed on his brakes and Lindsey spit her Bravo Champagne all over herself. I told her it was "candid". Cabs are everywhere in Korea, but I try to take the bus. The drivers are just as bad, but I'm in a larger unit & assume that means I'm slightly safer. Besides, you have to go throught the whole line of questioning with cab drivers. "Where are you FROM?".
............... "Ahhh, bea-u-ti-ful".
I swear it's like being a celebrity here. See, I'm even in a movie, or Korean boy band. Not sure which. We got lots of looks for this one at Home Plus. Or should we say "Home Plus -a". To get anywhere in a cab, you have to add a vowel sound at the end. "Walmart-a" Guess it's just a pronunciation thing. That's how "way guks" (foreigners) get away with cursing at Koreans. You just don't add a vowel and they have no idea what you're saying. That's mean though, and I don't curse at anyone - except the foreigners who understand me. I'm getting better at my pronunciations with the little bit of Korean I know. Oh yeah, and I'll be walking down the street or through a store and some English pop song will come on screaming obsenities & no one has a clue!

And now for the Korean that got OUR attention. A tall guy. What?


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