Thursday, November 24, 2005

This is a beautiful photo my Korean-American friend sent me from up north. I absolutely love this shot and asked him if I could have it blown up for my wall. (thanks Ted). Well I went to the studio to pick it up today and they said the quality was distorted but they can make me a small size. I was terribly disappointed, but life goes on.

SO.... it's national "kill a turkey day" in my home country. Families are gathered around delicious food (and an innocent bird) to celebrate some white guy bumping into an already- discovered land and killing off the people who were happy there (and kind enough to help Chris, prolly felt bad for the doof who thought the world was flat.)

No, Korea doesn't celebrate this occasion; everyone keeps asking if I had to work today. I guess the POINT is to be "thankful" and what better way to spend the day than with 70 kids who love and appreciate you. I walked into work this morning to "Linda"; a 4yr old in a ruffled, pink, velvet dress who put her hands above her head (heart shape) and said, "I love you Nicooole Teacheeer!" Yeah, I'm thankful.


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