Sunday, March 12, 2006

Konglish T-shirt party

Well it was a hit. I managed to round up all the coolest people in Korea (from Seoul to Busan) and throw a party so fun the neighbors came up 4 times! I negotiated with the little bit of Korean I know and it's all good. She went from screaming that she was gonna call the police to laughing when I told her she keeps me up many nights yelling at her husband. We compromised on a time I had to leave for the bars (3:30am!!!)

We all went to Jenny's bar afterwards and continued the party. "J-Rock". She had cake and a hat for me. Jenny's a blast, she came to my apartment with a korean drink I've never tried and I loved it. It had green olives in the bottom. (my favorite)

Everyone was incredibly sweet, from bringing me the most incredibly thoughtful birthday gifts, to fun party favors and food to share. The crowd meshed TOO well, I don't think we could've had more fun. The mix consisted of: the girls I usually go out with, all my co-workers and teachers in the area, the people I met on the trip to China, and my good friend Mario who flew out from New York to surprise me for my birthday. (I'll post pics later from my actual birthday.) You might be wondering what a "Konglish T-shirt" is. Well it's a T-shirt with a silly phrase that's supposed to be English, but it's grammatically incorrect, or just doesn't make sense. They're everywhere here in South Korea and we find them hysterical. People excuse this by calling it "konglish" (combination of Korean and English). No, it's just poorly constructed English. So everyone was to find the funniest shirt they could and wear it to the party. The girls above wore the same shirt: Greer is wearing red and Heather is wearing Blue. The shirt is more appropriate for Greer however, because it's a bunch of jibberish, then says "Dan Gregarious Unit" and her fiance is Dan. Dan wore a shirt with bananas all over it, which is pretty Dan-like.

Big sizes are rare to come across in Korea. So, many of the big guys had to impovise: Josh here wore an apron that said "Don't cry squirrel". At one point his girlfriend, Steph, was looking for him and said, "Have you seen my squirrel?" cute.
Mike actually found one covered with sports logos, which is perfect for him. Mario refused to wear the pink shirt I found with 2 cowboys holding hands, so he got a white T- shirt and everyone wrote their own Konglish messages on it. (top of page) Most of the shirts were hilarious, which means "causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter".


Blogger T & A said...

you party looks like it was great...sorry about not being there and all, but i was pretty sick, and Troy was taking care of me.
BTW - Dan's shirt is a Thaiglish shirt! We bought it for him in Thai land. Greer's shirt sounds funny though! How appropriate!

2:12 PM  

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